Pak Perfect: AeroFlexx Delivers Packaging for the Digital Age

  • AeroFlexx

Companies around the world are striving to ensure an enhanced consumer experience with every product introduced to the market. However, with ever-changing trends and behavioral patterns among users, there’s a lot to consider.

As more people shift from retail stores to online markets, one of the most relevant points to consider is a product's omnichannel readiness. When the team at AeroFlexx designed its signature Pak, all key aspects were factored into the development process.

Because the AeroFlexx Pak is a unique solution made of a flexible material but designed to act like a rigid bottle—combining the best qualities of both in a single solution—it had to be tested as a whole unit. The result was an ISTA 6 Amazon-approved, e-commerce-ready, hermetically sealed, tamper-proof solution ready for omnichannel distribution that matches trending needs in most industries, including food, personal care, home care, pet care, and automotive care.

With prep-free shipping and no need for extra materials, brands can rest assured that the Pak only needs to be placed in an envelope or box, and it will arrive in perfect condition. Ensuring customer satisfaction and tackling both physical and digital shelves, the AeroFlexx Pak truly delivers a modern solution for modern audiences.

See also

  • Juan Pablo Rueda
  • Product Info
  • English
  • Created 21 May 2024
  • Modified 21 May 2024
  • Hits 604