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    Colombin & Figlio S.p.A.

    Colombin & Figlio S.p.A.

    For over one hundred years, Colombin has combined together tradition, technology and research in creating natural and versatile corks, the perfect closure that respects the qualities unique to each wine.


    So many things have changed since, in the late 1800s, Giovanni Maria Colombin launched his enterprise in Trieste. But his passion and his commitment have remained unaltered over all these years and have been passed down from generation to generation, right to the present. Since today, just as then, Colombin selects only the finest raw cork, uses the most advanced equipment, and subjects every step of its production to official certification, all with the goal of creating the most innovative corks, made from raw material unequalled in absolute quality and functionality, and always in the fullest respect for the environment. For all these reasons, Colombin is the sector leader in Italy in production and sales of corks, and is active in 34 other countries across the globe.


    A completely integrated network, from location of raw materials right through the delivery of the finished product. From the cork plantations in Morocco, Spain, Portugal, and Sardinia to the sales channels of its international marketing organisation: Colombin & Figlio Spa in Italy, Colombin Deutschland in Germany, Colombin Yantai in China, Colombin Australia in Australia, and Colombin Maroc in Morocco.

    Global outlook

    Colombin has an Italian heart but an international commitment. Its dynamic character and growth into new markets, in continuous competition with the sector’s largest companies, have made Colombin recognised throughout the world, not only in its role as sector leader in the Italian market, but equally as one of the most reliable brands on the international scene.


    Colombin has always boasted an interdisciplinary staff of experts that is uninterruptedly committed to researching new processes and technologies to apply to cork production. Not only that: rigorous analysis of the raw material and in-depth monitoring of the processing make it possible to eliminate any anomalies right from the very beginning of the production cycle, thus reducing possible negative impacts on the finished product and optimising resources. Inside the Research and Development Laboratory, which occupies almost 500 square metres, cutting-edge equipment makes it possible to carry out every type of analytic procedure on the corks, wines, and chemicals, within the three areas dedicated to physical, chemical, and gaschromatographic analyses.