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  • Pin Mao Plastic Industry
Asia, Beauty, Personal Care, Primary Packaging, Active, Smart Packaging, Plastic, Product Development Services, Laboratory, Testing, Certification
  • 品茂的主要服務及產品是? 



  • 品茂與其它同業的差異是什麼? 有何特別之處?



  • 品茂主要的營運是以代理業務或是工廠直營生產呢?




  • 你個人目前在公司的主要職務是什麼? 主要負責哪些項目?

陳志遠;我大部分時間都在作廠內協調及管理,像是生產調度控管以及業務管理, 我的工作是要確保每個品茂的顧客都受到最快速、最完善的客戶管理,讓顧客能達到預期的工作效率並完成計劃。


  • 請問你平時都在哪些國家或地區?



  • 品茂目前是以哪些地區以及消費市場型態為營運的主要標的?




  • 目前貴公司有哪些合作的顧客?

陳志遠:我們合作的客戶有許多,像是雅詩蘭黛、LVMH 集團、歐萊雅、迪士尼… 等等。


  • 在過去的十年間, 品茂是否有經歷哪些變化? 轉型? 或成長?

陳志遠:品茂一開始是接單作代工,和台灣的貿易商合作,但在十年前,品茂開始向國際化邁進,成立獨立的包裝設計團隊,參加國際展會與世界接軌,同時也開始跨國投資,與中國的蘇州佑嘉合作,跨行提供彩妝的包裝服務。就廠房設備而言,品茂不斷提昇標準,也己通過ISO:9001、SA8000、ISO:14001、OHSAS 18001… 等多種國際認證。生產製造能力也大幅提昇,以前包裝的二次加工都要委外,現在品茂都可以一手包辦。


  • 最近品茂是否有新的計劃正在進行?

陳志遠:根據我們這幾年的觀察,市場規模正在改變,而品茂也會順應配合開發平價市場的產品, 朝向更環保的產品訴求。



  • 目前品茂有沒有面臨到挑戰或難題? 計劃如何克服這樣的挑戰?



  • 請與我們分享品茂最新的產品開發, 技術或服務內容? 大約什麼時候可以正式介紹給業界?

陳志遠:2016年我們介紹了許多新款的PP軟管包裝PET厚瓶包裝以及PETG包裝… 等。在2017 的上半年,會介紹兩種品茂全新的產品線。


  • 今年 (2017) 會參加或拜訪任何展會嗎?

陳志遠:義大利波隆納美容展Cosmoprof Bologna,香港的亞太美容展 Cosmoprof Asia,以及美國的Make up in New York。


  • 請問 Webpackaging 對你而言是一個什麼樣的工具? 

陳志遠:我們與 Webpac 合作是在2012年,一開始我們先成為 Webpackaging 會員供應商,利用Webpackaging 打開國際市場,與國際品牌接軌。到了2014年,我們決定進一步與 Webpac 團隊合作,更新品茂的網站,要百分百作好網站行銷。在這幾年的合作,我們藉由定期的公開發表新品及曝光,得到許多來自世界各地的訪客諮詢。

對於品茂而言,身為專業的包裝供應商,Webpackaging 的確是個正確的行銷管道,可讓我們促成更多銷售佳績。


  • 你有沒有計劃要利用 Webpackaging 達成什麼樣的目標?


See also

Pin Mao releases a line of personal care combo items

Pin Mao is an internationally oriented producer of cosmetic and personal care packaging items, specializing in offering an incredibly wide array of containers and dispensing items to match just about any product on the market. A new initiative by the firm is to offer a convenient and simple item where smaller sizes in the line are ideal for easily carrying about in a purse or bag whereas the larger items can kept at home as a functional and decorative bathroom or dressing table item.

Pin Mao moves into new shape frontiers with the IL series

Pin Mao Plastic Industry Co., Ltd has been dedicated to cosmetic packaging research and development for a number of years now, and has garnered a reputation for offering an incredible number of standard lines that are easily decorated to create unique packaging concepts. The company has recently released its latest line, the IL series, with a simple, elegant silhouette that can make an excellent addition to existing personal care brand lines or serve as the centrepiece for a new market launch. Featuring an octagonal shape, the IL series is an eye-catching piece.

Pin Mao introduces new items to its PET-G bottle and jar collection

One of the most common plastic materials that has been massively adopted by the packaging space is PETG. Pin Mao Plastic Industry Co. Ltd., a leading Taiwanese packaging manufacturer, has just released two complementary ranges, the TL bottle series and the TP jar series, offering exceptional value to beauty and cosmetic companies. The notable design of the hourglass shaped TL bottles feature an additional top collar design making the line distinctive from other PETG packaging.

Pin Mao's amazingly bright bottles for droppers

Pin Mao is no stranger to producing scintillating packaging solutions in PET. The company has numerous ranges of containers designed to provide companies with a lightweight alternative to glass while still offering perfect clarity and brilliance. Pin Mao's latest line of droppers is no exception: The bottles are composed of light and lambent PET that manage to bounce light playfully between their facets, attracting the eye and presenting an apparent luxury item.

Four new elegant airless bottle solutions by Pin Mao

Pin Mao has recently released an array of beautifully crafted airless bottle solutions, both elegant and smartly designed to protect products against external contaminants. As today’s market treads down a path evermore filled with oxygen-sensitive formulas, the airless bottle will become the ideal solution for those in the cosmetics industry. These new series from Pin Mao offer a wide range of effective, yet beautifully engineered packaging selections.

Pin Mao adds an elegant newcomer to its line

For over two decades, Pin Mao Plastic Industry Co., Ltd has been dedicated to cosmetic packaging research and development. The company has released its new ET-series, an achievement for the firm with regard to square bottle packaging. Made of durable and clear PET-G, the new square bottles take the best design concepts from the company's M-series diamond jars to create a stunningly shiny bottle that captures and magnifies reflected light unlike other square bottles on the market.

  • Interview
  • English
  • Modified 19 Aug 2019
  • Hits 3617