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    ARaymond Life

    ARaymond Life

    A GMP EU pharmaceutical establishment, specializing in plastic injection and fasteners. Packaging & Medical devices manufacturer

    ARaymondlife, your partner in healthcare projects

    Created in 2007, ARaymondlife is strategically positioned as a GMP EU pharmaceutical establishment, specializing in plastic injection and fasteners. With innovation as the engine, its activity is focused on the human and animal health industries, as well as biotechnology. ARaymondlife has a dedicated site with production workcells under ISO cleanroom conditions, and supports its customers from the design phase thanks to its integrated R&D office.

    An enabling environment

    ARaymondlife is located in Grenoble, at the heart of the Rhone-Alps region, close to research and pharmaceutical companies. The region concentrates world leaders in vaccines, major players in animal health and in vitro diagnostics, as well as biotechnology companies. The company enjoys an ecosystem dedicated to research and innovation in close proximity to key players in fundamental research and technology clusters. 
    ARaymondlife benefits from this environment of high technology and cutting-edge equipment. ARaymondlife is an active member of MEDIC @LPS, a cluster of biotechnology and medical technologies.


    ARaymondlife supports its customers’ projects beginning with R&D through its integrated design office. The company transfers to the pharmaceutical industry, its expertise in thermoplastic and silicone injection and bi-injection. Having the status of a pharmaceutical establishment, ARaymondlife is equipped with automated industrial equipment for production in a controlled atmosphere.

    Expertise in plastic injection moulding

    ARaymondlife has comprehensive expertise in plastic manufacturing, associated with a deep understanding of medical grade polymers and cleanroom manufacturing processes.

    Understanding of raw materials and manufacturing processes

    • Mono or bi-material injection,
    • Thermoplastic polymers: PBT, PC, PS, PA, SEBS, EVA, COC/COP,
    • Liquid Silicone Rubber (LSR),
    • Injection of polymer structure containing an active ingredient or with integration of diagnostic reagents,
    • ISO 7 cleanrooms,
    • Recent park of injection presses from 140 to 220 metric tons with robotic unloading 6 axes or Cartesian.