Au­gust Poh­li GmbH & Co. KG

Au­gust Poh­li GmbH & Co. KG

We sup­p­ly airless dispensers, plastic & glass bott­les, plastic jars, plastic & glas jars, buckets and closures to ma­ny mar­kets.

The Company

Our com­pa­ny was foun­ded in Wup­per­tal in 1876 by Au­gust Poh­li for the sup­p­ly of glass bott­les to ma­ny mar­kets.

We pro­vi­de a One-Stop-Shop for ever­y­thing you need, sa­ving you va­luable ti­me and mo­ney when selec­ting and pro­cu­ring your packaging.​ One call sorts it all!

We are very com­pe­ti­ti­ve throug­hout our ran­ge, gi­ving short and re­lia­ble lead-ti­mes, able to of­fer de­cora­ti­on on glass and plas­tic con­tai­ners, so that your ti­me can be de­vo­ted to ma­king your busi­ness mo­re suc­cess­ful and our ti­me is spent look­ing af­ter your needs.

​In ad­di­ti­on to our own-pro­du­ced ar­ti­cles, we will sour­ce items el­sew­he­re to gi­ve you the wi­dest choice, al­ways en­su­ring that we are to­tal­ly sa­tis­fied wi­th the qua­li­ty, au­dit­ing the­se sup­p­liers wi­th our own team.​

Service is vi­tal to our busi­ness as it is to yours! We aim to meet your spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons in all are­as of our busi­ness and can cust­o­mi­se our ser­vice to su­it your spe­ci­fic re­qui­re­ments; prin­ting, la­bel­ling, pa­cking, just-in-ti­me de­li­very, ware­hou­sing and stock-hol­ding, etc.

We ha­ve 10.000 m² of cle­an, se­cu­re and re­lia­ble di­stri­bu­ti­on un­der our di­rect con­trol at our lo­ca­ti­ons in Wup­per­tal.




We have a total of approx. 13,000 articles in our product range, many are stocked for our customers at different storage locations. We would like to present you the most popular articles, which are also presented in our annual catalog. We divide our articles into product groups which are divided as follows:

  • Airless-dispenser
  • Plastic bottles
  • Plastic jars
  • Glass jars
  • Glass bottles
  • Buckets & canisters
  • Fall protection packaging
  • Closures


  • Printing
  • Hot stamping
  • Metallization
  • Coating
  • UV coating
  • Cover stamping
  • Protective coating
  • Gamma radiation
  • Warehousing and assembly
  • In-mould Labeling

What you cannot find in our product range...

... we will find or de­ve­lop for you.​ Above and bey­ond the de­pic­ted pro­ducts we ha­ve a gre­at we­alth of free mo­dels which we would be­p­lea­sed to show you. Let us know what you are look­ing for and we will check whe­ther we can sup­p­ly­the pack­a­ging you re­qui­re from our lar­ge ran­ge of free tools. We are avail­able for you when you nee­d­com­pre­hen­si­ve ad­vice. We place gre­at va­lue on speed, re­lia­bi­li­ty and ef­fi­ci­en­cy.

We will be at your ­si­de, star­ting from the con­cept, to the mo­del and all the way to the fi­nis­hed product.​ We will de­ve­lop tailo­red so­lu­ti­ons to­ge­ther wi­th you. Of­ten it is pos­si­ble to crea­te in­di­vi­du­al­so­lu­ti­ons by ma­king mi­nor mo­di­fi­ca­ti­ons on exis­ting stan­dard tools.