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    CENTURYBOX, where packaging means satisfaction, to buy, to give and to indulge oneself... Product packaging has evolved from its protective and transport function to an essential component of your product, therefore we develop and produce packaging concepts that increase your product perceived value.

    CENTURYBOX invests continuously in expanding its production capacity, new product development and the improvement of the highest quality standards. CENTURYBOX has developed the following services to help you increase the quality and the effectiveness of your packaging:

    • A graphical prepress department able to convert your visual identity into winning concepts taking into account the requirements and opportunities of a three dimensional packaging.
    • A logistical department which delivers cost effectively all over the world your retail outlets.
    • A research department focused on finding new packaging-concepts and print-techniques.
    • Enviromental advice, so the client kan decide the best fitting ecological solution for his packaging

    In order to constantly meet your needs and wishes, our packaging range is available in numerous shapes with a wide line of materials: paper, natural fabrices, but also reusable synthetic materials and much more.

    Centurybox is always looking for new materials and cutting edge technologies to provide the top-notch product you are expecting. 
