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    Clarian's mission is to provide the professional market converters, printers and paper distributors (B2B) of paper and cardboard of any color of the visible spectrum from violet to red, at any weight between 30 and 250 g / m2, which best suit customer needs in each case.

    Clarian also has the vision to become the manufacturer of reference papers and boards multipurpose color in southern Europe, with a capacity to propose and serve its customers new roles, with new features that allow them to develop their business projects in dynamic niche markets.

    The values ​​that have always been part of the culture and philosophy of Clarian have to do with respect for people, the environment and the law; with seriousness to conduct business; with a customer service orientation, pursuing the service level was a plus for our customers; with total quality concept that encompasses the products and services offered, and the organization that produces them; with innovation as the mood of the organization that carried constantly questioning on best practices and venture into the development of new products and services adapted to the changing environment of our profession.

    Clarian is the manufacturer of paper and cardboard in Spain leading color, with its own brand COLOR PLUS.


    Clarian also manufactures paper to fit the needs of its industrial customers in the field of luxury packaging, the stationery and security printing. His roles with special treatments, resistant to moisture and fat open a world of possibilities within the food processing sector.

    Although natural market Clarian Spain, exports over 60% of its production to more than 60 countries across 5 continents.

    Founded in 1892 in Ontinyent (Valencia) on the banks of the river Clariano, began manufacturing thin papers for wrapping fruit. The shortage of water to make up Clarian took Vila-real (Castellón) in 1966 From here he began his recent history of constant development of new grades of paper: very thin papers to copy (onion skin), carbonless paper color, paper print and white writing and colors, including ahuesados ​​and verjurados, card, security papers and papers for food use. Papers that have been always following the trends and demands of markets in constant technical evolution.

    Hence our motto: Clarian, creating roles since 1892.
