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    Headquarters Location

    Italy Trieste, Italy

    Primary Business

    Primary Packaging - Manufacturer, Vendor

    Total Employees

    100-500 employees

    Social Network

    • Twitter
    • Facebook
    • Europe

    • Iberia

    • Spain

    • Portugal

    • Italy

    • Germany, Austria

    • Germany

    • Asia

    • East Asia

    • China

    • Oceania

    • Australia

    • Africa

    • North Africa

    • Morocco

    • Eating, Drinking

    • Food

    • Fresh Fruits

    • Beverages - Alcoholic

    • Wines

    • Sparkling Wines

    • Health

    • Chemicals, Industrial

    • Primary Packaging

    • Caps, Lids

    • Stoppers

    • Corks

    • Corks - Natural

    • Corks - Sparkling Wines

    • Closure Components

    • Seals

    • Tree Derivatives

    • Cork

    • Packaging Decoration

    • Colouring

    • Contract Manufacturing

    • Processing, Blending

    • Laboratory, Testing, Certification

    • Shows, Associations, Media

    • Packaging Awards