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    Flexible Packaging Europe

    Flexible Packaging Europe

    Flexible Packaging Europe's (FPE) core activity is to represent the European flexible packaging industry at a European level and on the international stage.

    Flexible Packaging is produced through adding value to a wide variety of substrate materials including plastic films, paper and aluminium foil – either separately or in combination – mainly for primary retail food packaging and non-food packaging applications such as pet food, tobacco, cosmetics and personal care, household detergents, and pharmaceutical and medical products.

    This specifically excludes shrink and stretch films used for secondary packaging, pallet hoods and pallet wrap, carrier bags, supermarket and self-service counter bags, silage bags, refuse and industrial sacks, etc. Inevitably, there remain some grey areas.

    FPE promotes the flexible packaging industry and represents the interests of the sector at the highest levels in Europe. It is proactively involved in the provision of clear, relevant information to the authorities about the European flexible packaging industry to help facilitate legislation that is both realistic and manageable.

    FPE also helps to provide clear and factual information about the industry to help answer concerns and issues around flexible packaging.

    FPE is a division of EAFA e.V.