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    Locked4Kids offers the perfect combination of child resistancy, easy accessibility for adults and cost effective production.

    It's extremely difficult, but at the same time fascinating to create something that is so simple, inexpensive and easy to produce and at the same time easy to use for everyone… except of course for little children.

    It’s a proven fact that cartons are not only the the best, but also the most economical solution, to package blisters with tablets and capsules, but until now the only option to package blisters in a child resistant way is by using all kinds of specialty packaging, available in the market.

    For that reason, we’ve started the development of Locked4Kids cartons in 2013.

    The target was set to make the carton easy to open by everyone, except of course young children… and professionals that deal with child resistant packaging know very well, that finding that thin line between true senior friendliness, and at the same passing the testing protocols with young children is the toughest packaging design job anyone can imagine.

    We’ve managed to do so with great success!!!
