MMR Research Worldwide

MMR Research Worldwide

MMR increases the success rate of launches, using its understanding of consumer decision making to turn brand promise into winning products and packaging.

MMR helps create optimized products and packaging to ensure consumption and retail experiences align perfectly with core brand equities.

We combine innovative methods, creative thinking, sensory expertise and a deep understanding of shopper and consumer decision-making to optimize your whole proposition.

We are consumer and sensory research partners to food, beverage, personal and household care manufacturers and retailers worldwide.


We blend robust scientific approaches with creativity to deliver a complete innovation and optimization solution that can be tailored to your needs – whether you’re a niche manufacturer, a retailer, or a major multinational.

In line with our guiding principles we recommend a holistic approach to all of our clients, encouraging them to consider the total brand experience at all stages of their product development cycle.

This holistic approach enables MMR to go beyond the obvious, helping clients to create brands and products that consumers don’t just like – they love.

We have over 20 years’ experience of partnering with major food, beverage, personal and household care brands and retailers.