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    Multi Plastic

    Multi Plastic

    Multi Plastic is a 100% Mexican company that brings added value to its brand and its customers' convenience with the widest variety and quality of plastic products.

    Multi Plastic is a 100% Mexican company that distributes PET plastic products and high and low density Polyethylene, Polypropylene and Polystyrene, among others.

    The company provides added value to brands and convenience to customers with the widest variety of high-quality plastic products available today.

    A company is only able to achieve the leadership that Multi Plastic has demonstrated in the packaging when its products differentiate themselves based on new designs, container performance and excellent customization options.  This leadership is evident, based on Multi Plastic's customers.
    At the vanguard of market trends, and sporting the latest innovations in packaging, Multi Plastic provides real solutions that help customers achieve their market share objectives and the development of their products in the market, providing a unique touch and support.

    For each one, Multi Plastic has a line of containers, manufactured in a variety of materials, capacities, colors, etc, providing an ample offering for its customers.

    An important part of the company's business line is the development of custom-made containers for each customer, changing components to customize shape, end usage, capacity, material, packaging form, etc.


    Global Alliances

    Thanks to the global alliances that Multi Plastic has worldwide, it has been able to increase its packaging solution offering for customers, allowing them set differentiate themselves from competitors. Multi Plastic has alliances in Asia, Europe and The United States and is constantly looking for new and better products to complement its existing product line, manufactured in Mexico

    Markets in which Multi Plastic operates:

    • Food and Beverage
    • Personal Care and Hygiene
    • Automotive
    • Cosmetic
    • Pharmaceutical
    • Home Care
    • Professional/Instititutional Cleaning
    • Natural Product
    • Veterinary