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    Owen Mumford launches new touch activated lancet

    • Owen Mumford
    North America, USA, Health, Medical, Diagnostics, Primary Packaging

    Owen Mumford, a leading medical device manufacturer, today unveils a new addition to its range of medical devices, available initially in the US before expanding out to other markets. Presented for the first time at the International Diabetes Federation World Diabetes Congress in Vancouver, booth 1403, Unistik® Touch is a touch activated lancet that features Owen Mumford’s unique Comfort Zone Technology®.

    Designed with the end-user in mind, the Unistik® Touch features a touch activated lancet making it intuitive and easy to use. Tania Mackenzie, Senior Global Product Manager at Owen Mumford comments further on Unistik® Touch, “Unistik® Touch is our first touch activated lancet, which is built on our already trusted platform, Unistik®3 device. Unistik® Touch has been created specifically with the end-user’s needs in mind. Being touch activated means there are fewer steps for the end-user to make when sampling blood and with the addition of our Comfort Zone Technology®, is designed for a more gentle experience (1)”.

    Mackenzie continues, “The entire Unistik® range is concerned with putting comfort first. Available in 18 gauge, 21 gauge, 23 gauge, 28 gauge and 30 gauge, the introduction of Unistik® Touch allows healthcare providers to have a selection of devices”.

    Owen Mumford’s unique Comfort Zone Technology® provides a more comfortable blood sampling experience. It features a series of eight raised dots on the end of the lancet which, when pressed against the sample area, reduces the sensation of pain from the needle piercing the patient’s skin (2).

    Research conducted through end-user trials showed that Comfort Zone Technology® reduced the pain experienced during the blood sampling procedure when compared to other devices without the same technology (1).

    Unistik® Touch is currently available in the US and is set to be available for the rest of the world later in 2016. For more information on Unistik® Touch visit Owen Mumford during IDF at booth 1403. IDF is a global show, covering all markets, and is the perfect platform to raise awareness of Unistik® Touch ahead of the full market roll out.



    1. Dewland P, Edwards C. A single-blind, randomised, 8-way crossover study to compare the blood volume and pain perception of capillary blood sampling. March 2007.
    2. Gate Theory. Mezack R, Wall PD. The challenge of pain. Penguin, Harmondsworth. 1982 p233

    See also

    • Innovation
    • English
    • Modified 14 Dec 2015
    • Hits 2435