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    Angel Bakery and Plasgad’s long-term working cooperation continues to grow and deepen

    • Plasgad
    Asia, The Middle East, Israel, Eating, Drinking, Food, Breads, Tertiary Packaging, Crates, Active, Smart Packaging, Sustainable Packaging, Lightweight Packaging, Supply Chain Services, Transport, Product Development Services, Brand Design, Branding

    Angel Bakery, Israel's largest bakery, manufactures and markets a wide range of breads, rolls and pastries nationwide.

    The Angel Bakery, owned and managed by the Angel family since 1927, has become synonymous with quality and innovation in the world of breads. The bakery produces thousands of loaves of bread and pastries, all while maintaining constant freshness, quality and a wide range of flavors.

    Over the years, the Angel Bakery has maintained its status as the leading bakery in Israel, both for technological innovation and for uncompromising commitment to its consumers.

    Plasgad is a long-term partner of Angel Bakery. The enduring relationship was born when the Angel Bakery identified Plasgad as a supplier that could meet their needs, approaching with a request to create a packaging solution for the transport of bread.

    Through joint planning and collaboration with the Angel Bakery distribution department and Plasgad's development team, an ideal crate was conceived and developed according to the specific demands arising from the field. After characterizing their requirements and examining a number of alternatives to address all needs, Plasgad worked on a quality, 360° solution that could meet the customer's exact needs.

    There are many advantages to the new stack & nest tray:

    • Maximum ventilation for maintaining breads and challahs (the tray allows breads to be packed still hot as they leave the oven) with stacking ability - ideal for distribution
    • Tray stacking capacity – a space saving advantage when returning the tray to bakeries (1:3 nesting efficiency)
    • A very strong and robust tray that can withstand multiple work cycles
    • Accommodating the strictest regulatory food standards
    • Offering a variety of branding options

    Today, Plasgad produces tens of thousands of crates a year for the Angel Bakery. The Plasgad solution serves as the main and central packaging solution in all the bakeries, for bread and challah, as well as the pastries, cakes and cookie segment.

    However, the connection between the two companies does not end here. As the Angel Bakery has grown and expanded so has the cooperation between the two companies.

    Today, the Angel Bakery has four bakeries throughout the country, and a factory that was established to produce cakes and pastries. Plasgad provides three main packing and transport solutions for Angel: A stack & nest tray for packing and transporting breads, rolls and a variety of pastries. In collaboration with Shimon Biton, Distribution Manager at the Angel Lod bakery, it was decided to introduce the Picker crate. This solution is used to pack and transport rolls with an optimal stacking ability that does not harm the pastries. The Picker crate is lightweight and can be cleaned and rinsed. An additional solution is a Nestable containers 70/130 L, used for the storage of raw materials at the beginning of the bread and pastry making process. The containers are placed on carts for easy transportation and are easy to wash.

    Understanding the customer's needs, together with unprecedented cooperation and constant contact between the two companies have established long-term trust, creating fertile ground for growth and expansion. Plasgad does its utmost to provide optimal solutions for the Angel bakery, which is reflected in the products that help make the company's operating system more effective, efficient and convenient.

    Eran Spiegel, Vice President of Supply Chain and Service at Angel Bakery, said: "We feel that we have a partner in our streamlining processes and changing needs over the years. Thanks to joint thinking and development, we have been able to reach specialized solutions that make storage and distribution easier for us and our customers daily."

    Haim Aflalo, the customer's Portfolio Manager at Plasgad, added: "The relationship with Angel Bakery is based on trust and full cooperation. We are open to the requests and needs of the customer and do our best to provide a suitable response to those requirements. The customer is always evident in our daily functioning and activities."

    See also

    • Company News
    • English
    • Modified 17 Apr 2017
    • Hits 1506