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    Räpina Paberivabrik

    Räpina Paberivabrik

    Räpina paper mill manufactures edge protectors in customised width, thickness and length according to the request of the customer.

    Our slogan sends a clear message – we will give waste paper a new life, ensuring the preservation of existing values.


    Our mission is to be an innovative company that respects traditions. We offer the clients quality products and the workers a chance to excel in a prosperous position. We are always looking for opportunities to become even more environmentally friendly and introduce the history of paper manufacturing.


    Our aim is to be an environmentally conscious and steadily developing modern company, which honors the traditions and history of paper manufacturing.


    We are economic. We use nature friendly recycling technology, without making exceptions in the quality standards.


    We are reliable partners to our clients; we honor agreements and provide a quality product. We offer a stable career with good opportunities for our employees.


    Our work philosophy is modern. We are flexible and active, learning from long-term experience to face future challenges.


    We are unique just to answer the unique needs of our clients. We bind tradition with modern technology in order to provide a quality product and a cleaner environment.
