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    Headquarters Location

    United KingdomNottinghamshire Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

    Primary Business

    Primary Packaging - Manufacturer, Vendor

    Total Employees

    50-100 employees

    Social Network

    • LinkedIn
    • Facebook
    • Europe

    • UK, Ireland

    • Beauty, Personal Care

    • Cosmetics

    • Eating, Drinking

    • Food

    • Fresh Fruits

    • Vegetables

    • Meats

    • Fish

    • Grains, Pulses

    • Frozen Foods

    • Frozen Desserts

    • Microwaveable Foods

    • Ready Meals

    • Dry Foods

    • Dry Powders

    • Wet Foods

    • Baked Goods

    • Breads

    • Preserves

    • Confectioneries

    • Candies, Sweets

    • Snack Foods

    • Cheeses

    • Vegetable Oils

    • Sauces, Dressings

    • Herbs, Spices, Seasonings

    • Pasta, Noodles

    • Home Care

    • Lawn, Garden Care

    • Premium

    • Textiles, Clothing

    • Pet/Animal Care

    • Primary Packaging

    • Caps, Lids

    • Flexibles

    • Film, Sheet

    • Secondary Packaging

    • Secondary Bags

    • Binding

    • Staples

    • Tertiary Packaging

    • Envelopes, Mailing

    • Recyclable Packaging

    • Machinery

    • Packing Machinery

    • Plastic

    • Plastic - Film

    • Plastic - PP

    • Paper

    • Flexible Materials

    • Textiles

    • Printing