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    Vetronaviglio is a well known and established company specialized in the manufacture of plastic and glass bottles, tottles and jars for cosmetics, perfumery and pharma products

    The constant and rapid growth which has distinguished this company right from the start, is the result of an accurate and careful management which has always aimed to achieve a new and extremely dynamic approach which is not only reflected in its wide range of articles but also in its state of the art design, thus standing out for the quality of its products and services from those of its competitors.

    Being competitive in an already saturated market, professionalism, creativity and customer care are the key factors to satisfy every customer requirements. Thanks to its accurate customer orientation, Vetronaviglio immediately found the way to establish business relationship with important cosmetic companies. Large investments have been made to increase the number of standard articles in plastic material and by adding complete ranges in glass both for cosmetics or perfumes.

    These lines come complete with accessories: caps, lids, spray and lotion pumps each one personalised, on customer request, by its colour, decoration and finish. Now well introduced on the international market, Vetronaviglio prides itself on having important key clients with large world market fields but does not neglect to remember the importance of a continuous and constant evolution.