Pack to Impress with APC Packaging's JCM Bottle

The elegant look of APC Packaging's airless JCM bottle easily captivates the end user, it's round, sleek, and polished figure exudes a premium feel that enhances the product within. Naturally, it can already be seen with major brands selling globally.

The JCM is composed of an ABS base, actuator and collar, with an AS bottle. It's available in 15, 30, and 50ml, and there's both a customizable option and an in-stock version for those in need of a rapid solution.

Don't forget to contact us and ask about our customization options when you request a quote from the APC team.

See also

  • Juan Pablo Rueda
  • Product Info
  • English
  • Created 30 Nov 2022
  • Modified 22 Nov 2022
  • Hits 1293