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Marcel Proust taught us that perfume is something special, it can be the way to the memories and release deep emotions. Perfume is a powerful communication tool.
When we buy a perfume, the first approach is assigned to the packaging which, involving and attracting all the senses, has the task of revealing to us the fragrance’s character and the experience it’s going to offer us.
Each element of the packaging plays an essential role: the packaging of perfumes are design objects, carefully projected in every single detail and accessory, to make them efficient communicators of the fragrance’s message.
The attention for sustainability is the main message the new generations of consumers are expecting to find in the packaging of perfumes and cosmetics. Adopting the concept of circular design in the development of the projects is now fundamental: today design can be an important instrument to make a change and to move on to a system where the value keeps on circulating and regenerating continually.
Our team has chosen to engage in the circular approach by choosing sustainable materials for the projects. Here are some pics of perfume caps in Mixcycling® Sughera: a soft touch material containing natural cork scraps.
Each piece is unique, special and sustainable!