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MakeUp in SaoPaulo 2016

  • MakeUp in
South America, Beauty, Personal Care, Premium, Seasonal, Spring, Summer, Primary Packaging, Secondary Packaging, Active, Smart Packaging

In two months the 3rd edition of MakeUp in SaoPaulo will open its doors. In times of crisis in Brazil, the make-up industry is the exception. And, obviously, the famous "Lipstick effect" has full hold!

Brazilian women are making up more and more! Formulation, packaging and accessory manufacturers even have trouble supplying. The significant investments made recently, for example in the lipstick area, by the Albéa Group, soon won't suffice.

The Pochet Group and its subsidiary Pochet do Brasil, one of the leaders in make-up, is investing 20 million Euros over two years in the construction of a new plant in Jundai, north of Sao Paulo.

Crisis? What crisis? The 30 speakers at the 18 conferences and round tables, programmed on 7 and 8 December at MakeUp in SaoPaulo will be there to explain why "This is the time to invest in Brazil".ess kit :Luxepack Monaco 2016.

Day 1 (Wednesday December 7th)

1:00pm – 1:45pm: "Beauty Trends: What up for next spring/summer 2018?"
Conference by: Juliana Martins, Beauty and Personal Care Analyst at MINTEL

2:00pm – 2:45pm: "What's in & What's hot from Asia"
The recent and impactful makeup trends & products from Asia.
Conference by: Florence Bernardin, Information & Inspiration

3:00pm – 4:30pm: "What's up in Nails and Make Up in Brazil?"

1. "The old, the new and the future: Make Up advertising in Brazil since 1970s"
Conference by: Gustavo Boaventura, Editor Cosmética em Foco and Gisely Spósito.
To look towards the future we must always visit the past. So in this presentation we analyze makeup advertisements in Brazil since 1970s in search of future trends in marketing approach of such products.
Our focus is to speak useful content for both marketing and R&D professionals when pointing interesting examples of how was makeup advertisement from the middle 20th century to today... and propose what we believe will be in the trends for the next years. As an example: in middle 20th century woman was shown as the perfect housewife but in 21th century the woman is independent and even nail polishers have funny naming. We also expect a colorful change in images and colorful options of products...

2. "Global Nail Trend Forecast: Upcoming Key Colors & Textures"
Conference by: Fernanda Pigatto, Brazil Trend & Marketing, BeautyStreams

3. Round Table on Nails
Moderated by Charles-Emmanuel Gounod, Beautyworld Connexions and Vincent Gallon, Brazil Beauty News with the following participants:
- Lia Paperetti, Sales Director US& Brazil, Polychromatic
- Intercos – Drop Nail
- Gustavo Boaventura, Editor Cosmética em Foco and Gisely Spósito
- Fernanda Pigatto, Brazil Trend & Marketing, BeautyStreams

04:45pm – 06:00pm: "Formulas: The growing importance of Minerals & Natural Ingredients in Make Up formulations"
Introduction by Dr. Luisa Oliva, Pharmacist D. MSc, R&D Technical & Marketing International Consultant: A brief introduction about trends and natural brands positioning in Brazil.

Followed by a round Table moderated by Vincent Gallon, Brazil Beauty News and Dr. Luisa Oliva, with the participation of:
- Alessandro Mendes, Director R&D, Natura
- Intercos
- Cristina Brito, Country Business Development Manager at Chromavis do Brasil - Fareva Group
- Thiago Terada, Sustainability and Corporate Affairs Manager, Beraca Ingredientes Naturais
- Cristiane de Moares, Brazilian Representative, UEBT- Union for Ethical BioTrade
- Jens Schmitt, LabPhyto ; Formulator expert in Bio and Natural MakeUp formulation

Day 2 (Thursday December 8th)

1:00pm – 2:00pm: "The transformation of beauty retail in Brazil: Towards an Omnichannel model?"

- Evolution in the POS
Conference by: Valeria Grossman, 100 Degrés Brazil

- Digital Beauty in Brazil
Conference by: Paola Costa, Chief marketing Officer & Luxe Division General Manager L'Oréal Brazil

- Digital sampling
Conferences by: Walteno S. B. Da Silva, LATAM Sales and Marketing Director Arcade Beauty & Daniel Almeida, ADHESPACK

2:00pm – 2:30pm: "The transformation of beauty retail in Brazil: What is next?"
Roundtable moderated by Vincent Gallon, Premium Beauty News with the participation of:
- Valeria Grossman, 100 Degrés Brazil
- Paola Costa, Chief marketing Officer & Luxe Division General Manager L'Oréal Brazil
- Walteno S. B. Da Silva, LATAM Sales and Marketing Director Arcade Beauty
- Daniel Almeida, ADHESPAC

2:45pm – 3:45pm: "What kind of packaging and applicators for a recovering industry in Brazil"
Round table moderated by Charles-Emmanuel Gounod, Beautyworld Connexions.

1) How to cope with constant cost pressure?
2) How to adapt manufacturing to the requirements of the Brazilian brands?
3) How to feed the need for constant need for innovation in Brazil?

With the participation of:
- Paola Froes, Sales & Marketing Director, Albéa Brazil
- Ludivine Dervaux, Project Manager Brazil, Cosmogen
- Flavio Unikowsky, Latin America Director, Cosmogen
- Mariana Fonseca, Sales Director Brazil & Latam, Geka Brazil
- Meire Tescer, Commercial Director, Qualipac Brazil

4:00pm – 4:15pm: "ABIHPEC"
Conference by : Joao Carlos Basilio da Silva, President ABIHPEC

4:15pm – 4:45pm: "Brazilian Market update"

5:00pm – 6:30pm: "3 Ideas how to move out from the crisis in Brazil?"
During this round table, we will debate on 3 ideas:
- The Lipstick factor; How lipsticks survive or even grow in crisis time?
- Export; in a difficult domestic market, is export a good way to grow our business?
- Product Innovation; despite the crisis, how consumers continue to search for new and innovative products?

Charles-Emmanuel Gounod, Beautyworld Connexions & Vincent Gallon, Brazil Beauty News will moderate this round table with the participation of:
- Sabine Oelschlegel, Marketing Director, Weckerle Cosmetics
- Nazish Munchenbach, Director Sales & Marketing, Granado
- Fernanda Pigatto, Brazil Trend & Marketing, BeautyStreams
- Marina Kobayashi, Science and Technology Council at Abihpec-Itehpec

Register now:


See also

MakeUp in SaoPaulo interviews Joao Carlos Basilio President of ABIHPEC

The third edition of MakeUp in SaoPaulo will take place on December 7 and 8 next at the Centro Rebouças in Sao Paulo. An edition that will take place in a slightly gloomy economic climate, as everyone knows. But paradoxically, the cosmetic sector in general and the make-up / skincare sector in particular are doing rather well. The statistics published in March 2015 by the ABIHPEC prove it and recent projections since this date confirm it. Overview with Joao Carlos Basilio, the President of the ABIHPEC.

The American consumer's obsession with beauty

In today's rapidly and constantly evolving beauty biz, it seems that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Or do they? In this deep-dive look at the state of beauty, Jennifer Stansbury from The Benchmarking Company shares findings from TBC's latest PinkReport: "The American Consumer's Obsession with Beauty Products, Yesterday, Today and tomorrow": A retrospective look at yesterday's beauty trends, influencers and behaviors, as well as a comprehensive examination of today’s beauty landscape.

MakeUp in New York rewards packaging and formulation creativity at universities

On July 13th seven members of the MakeUp in New York Jury, comprising some of the most prestigious brands in the Beauty industry, came together at the request of the MakeUp in NewYork organizers to select the three winners of the competition "Innovation and Packaging Creativity" organized each year with several American universities. The three laureates will be awarded on September 7 at 6pm at the MakeUp in NewYork event. An evening which will also be animated by an original presentation from the FIT students.

Will the UK remain a platform of access to the European make-up market?

The make-up sector is booming in the UK. Although the Brexit brings some uncertainty, the indoor market is vibrant and businesses are creative, bringing fresh ideas, and reshaping standards. At a round table bringing testimonials from the brand, retail and manufacturing side, MakeUp in New York will bring insights into the world of make-up in the United Kingdom, and draw the trends in textures, formulas, packaging of this vibrant market.

US Beauty market closely linked to the rise of smartphones

Never, before, heavy-weights in the US makeup and skincare market will have been confronted to such a revolution in consumer beauty products. A totally new dynamics, coming from Internet sales, social networks, bloggers, which is at worst, destabilizing and, at best, giving a real boost to leading brands in the industry. The next edition of MakeUp in NewYork and more particularly its conference cycle will place a special emphasis on this phenomenon. One thing is sure, nothing will ever be the same again!

MakeUp in NewYork: Reflection of American and Latino dynamism

More than a hundred exhibitors, including 30% first time exhibitors, a prestigious partner, Maybelline (L'Oréal Group), a new series of original and topical conferences with several dozens of high profile personalities from around the globe, indeed this sixth edition of MakeUp in NewYork promises to be particularly exciting. It must be said that, on the other side of the Atlantic, the "beauty" industry and more particularly the "makeup" industry are doing amazingly well. And not just in the United States, but also in Mexico and Canada.

MakeUp in Paris 2016: Better than ever!

The recent 7th edition of MakeUp in Paris – which brings to 18 the total number of "MakeUp In" events organised worldwide since the first edition in 2010 at Espace Pierre Cardin on the Champs Elysees – will no doubt go down in history as one of the best ever. It attracted over 3,500 visitors in just two days and more than 1,700 conference attendees, figures never before reached. All the keys for success were present, in other words a very busy, very "pro" show of increasingly international scope (29% foreign visitors), a clearly not-to-be-missed occasion!

MakeUp in discovers the ancestral bond between make-up and perfume

This will be one of the highlights of this seventh edition of MakeUp in Paris. As in the previous editions and with the active collaboration of the Anne Camilli et Cie Agency and its Musée à la Carte®, but also with Isabelle Ferrand, (Cinquième Sens Company), visitors will have the opportunity to discover more than 80 collectibles over 250 years old, demonstrating that make-up and perfume have always been closely related and they will also be able to participate to an olfactory workshop to test and try to recognize a selection of characteristic make-up scents. A great and exciting moment not to be missed.

Digital mania at MakeUp in Paris: The debates

A mix between on-line and off-line worlds, "Digital Store" concepts can now be seen in many sectors (cosmetics and well-being, of course, but also the hotel industry, food stuff, ready to wear...). The perfume and cosmetic sector are at the forefront. Equipped with innovative features such as connected shop windows, interactive POS or sales aid tablets, these new stores present offers to consumers, which perfectly match their profile and enable to learn more about their tastes and habits. At MakeUp in Paris, you will be at the heart of the issues raised by this new "digital mania".

Digital Beauty: MakeUp in Paris looks to the future in new area

It's unavoidable! A blend between online and offline worlds, Digital Store concepts and Digital applications now emerge in many sectors and the beauty industry is at the forefront, with leading brands in the domain. Equipped with innovative features such as connected shop windows, interactive POS or sales aid tablets, these new stores are enabled to propose consumers offers which are perfectly tailored to their individual profile and to learn more about their tastes and habits. For two days MakeUp in Paris will be central to this debate, with a brand new Digital Area at the Show entrance and a series of conferences that will bring together high level speakers.

Nearly 20 conferences at MakeUp in Paris

Nearly twenty conferences led by thirty speakers on topics as varied as the everyday work of a MakeUp Artist, the expectations of Distribution, the art of using an applicator, the extraordinary impact of a sample on product sales, the fantastic progress made by tools dedicated to Packaging Design, the training of students who one day will be in charge of managing these specific tools, and finally the dominating influence of environmental concerns in all these Beauty related activities.

Mission complete at MakeUp in Seoul 2016

The third edition of MakeUp in Seoul was even more successful than organizers had hoped. With a total of 2416 participants to the exhibition area and more than 1,230 people attending the conferences, this edition was up to the expectations of all the players in the make-up industry who visited the show during these two days. Above all, MakeUp in Seoul demonstrated that it was already a major international event with exhibitors and visitors coming from around the world.

  • Company News
  • English
  • Modified 07 Mar 2017
  • Hits 1571